This is the story of Cody. I received a call from a rescue in Washington (Puget Sound Rescue) that I delivered 4 dogs to last month, and Barb was very interested in Cody. Now Cody was set to be killed by Friday if no rescue stepped up for him. Please remember Cody is 13 yrs old and has a cyst on his butt that must be removed fairly quickly and the rescue is planning on doing that when he gets fixed. They only want to knock him out once and do it all at the same time because of his age. Well I go down there on Friday to get him and they won’t release him. Need to see the Vet. Come back on Saturday. Ok, I come back on Saturday and the vet isn’t in. Come back Monday. Ok we can do that. Remember this cat and mouse game is keeping Cody alive. If no interest in him, he would have been killed. It’s that simple and brutal. I came back on Monday, oh you don’t need to see the Vet, we will just release him to you. Ok, why couldn’t this have been decided on Friday? Well anyways I pulled Cody and took him to El Segundo to a wonderful person named Helen, who just adored Cody and as you can see he wasn’t to stressed about the whole deal. Since Helen is a temporary foster, we are working on getting a transport to the Seattle area for Cody and then we can get him adopted to his final home. All in a day’s work. And what does Cody do doing all this… sleeps… got to love ’em.